On the 29th of November, Altice Labs hosted the DevOps Aveiro group kick-off with a presentation by Miguel Biscaia, from Altice Labs’ Operations Support Systems department, under the theme „Portfolio and Release Management Modernization“.
In his presentation, Miguel provided a high-level overview of the principles and elements of modernizing the software development process at Altice Labs, and the unique challenges the organization faces due to its large and diverse portfolio. In the activity that followed, participants presented several DevOps topics for everyone to discuss.
The DevOps Aveiro group is a discussion community for everyone interested in improving software delivery, and creating a link between development and operations. These sessions intend to address DevOps themes from a cultural perspective, such as communication and collaboration, but also from a technological perspective, such as source control, CI/CD, databases, infrastructures, etc.
More information about this group and its activities can be found at https://www.meetup.com/devops-aveiro/.